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  • 東京外国語大学

Exchange Students留学生紹介




ルワンダのプロテスタント人文・社会科学大学(PIASS)より本学に交換留学しているアミッシさん(Christelle Amissi Nababuya)さんより来日のごあいさつが届きました。アミッシさんは2022年度秋学期から2023年度春学期の10か月間、本学で学びます。




I am Amissi Nababuya Christelle, a Congolese student in Rwanda at Protestant Institute of Arts and Social Sciences (PIASS), majoring in the Faculty of Development Studies and the Department of Peace and Conflict Studies.

Moreover, as a Congolese lady who lives in the Great Lakes Region where conflicts can arise and also in others regions of Africa, therefore, being in Japan is a great opportunity for me to learn about the Japanese mechanisms of development. As we have learnt about Hiroshima and Nagasaki, I would like to enlarge my knowledge in their government policies and also their culture. My interest in Japan is to further my knowledge about the development process and the peace building process.

Furthermore, to be in Japan is really beneficial, and I am grateful for that, also, it is an opportunity to improve my intercultural communication skills, because I am really passionate in learning other people's cultures and languages, and I like to write down poems.
I take this opportunity to thank the Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO), the African Studies Center, the Inter-University Exchange Project (Africa), aka IAfP, and Yazaki Corparation for their great support and cooperation for my life in Japan and also to Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (TUFS) for both their helpful support from Rwanda to Japan which goes hand in hand in the fulfilment of my dreams. I am really grateful for this opportunity which is a bridge fostering my great future.

Amissi Nababuya Christelle